Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Best Guests

I just had four friends from Chicago short noticedly stay at my house this past week. At first I was a little, "Ah shit, What did I agree to?" But then became obsessed with finding the perfect cat litter.

The first night we hung out they bought me dinner.

The second day we hung out- they allowed me to take them surfing. Aka- I got to go surfing on a weekday- aka their vacation became my vacation.

They stuck Harold and Kumar into the DVD player while cooking a delicious meal and made me a vodka soda with lime.

They cleaned my kitchen leaving it in better shape than when they arrived.

They invited me to Napa to drink more vodka sodas with lime, eat more delicious food- we're talkin fresh oysters from the seaside, insisted we go wine tasting, and supported my decision to buy apple flavored Licorice.

Really the Award goes out to couch surfers who know how to treat couch owners. God bless ya!

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